April 22nd is Earth Day! You can help create a healthier environment by making changes to your eating, drinking, transportation, and daily care routine.
Pledge to act with your friends, family or colleagues and support one another. Your commitment can last one week, one month or forever.
Boss Promotions is making commitments! This April, we can make change a habit.
We’re getting the whole office involved for Earth Day Canada with these four commitments!
- Eat and prepare more plant-based foods at home
- Drink tap water and get water wise
- Care: Detox your personal care routine
- Move: Activate your lifestyle with outdoor, unplugged activities
Find out some more information here (http://www.earthday.ca/takeitup/get_started.php). And have a happy Earth Day, Earth month and Earth life!
PS. If you really want to motivate your office, get them started with an eco-friendly incentive. Waterbottles, reusable tote bags, seed packets, and waste-free lunch containers, organic clothing, anything made with bamboo, and biodegradable pens…the ideas are endless!